Bracknell Acupuncture Dena Smith Acupuncturist, BSc, LicAc, MBAcA

Fertility / IVF. fertility-fw

Natural Fertility and IVF Support Acupuncture



Female & Male Fertility Acupuncture
Assisted Fertility - IVF Acupuncture
Pregnancy Acupuncture



NHS studies show that around 1 in 7 UK couples have difficulty with conception.

Male infertility is on the rise and sperm disorders account for 40% of infertility cases.

For prospective parents struggling to conceive, the journey towards having a baby can feel daunting and uncertain. Whether part of an assisted fertility treatment programme or to encourage natural fertility, Acupuncture can enhance each stage of the process.

Dena has completed 1 year Post Graduate course and gained a diploma in Acupuncture for Gynaecology, Fertility and Obstetrics giving her specialist knowledge in this area.

Natural Fertility Acupuncture

With over 14 years experience treating gynaecological problem, women’s health, female and male fertility and recognising that having a baby affects every part of you, my approach is holistic. Together, we discuss your medical history, diet and potential emotional/stress factors impacting successful conception. We develop the right Acupuncture treatment programme to help;


  • balance hormones and menstrual cycles
  • improve egg quality
  • promote ovulation
  • treat Endometriosis
  • treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • improve the blood flow to the uterus
  • thicken the lining of your uterine wall
  • support embryo implantation
  • boost your immune system
  • reduce stress and anxiety and improve your sleep

  • improve sperm production - motility, morphology
  • erectile Disfunction
  • ejaculation issues
  • reduce stress and anxiety and improve your sleep
  • boost your immune system


Assisted Fertility – IVF Support Acupuncture

We appreciate that undergoing assisted fertility treatment can be highly demanding on both your body and mind. Many of the women we’ve treated have said that Acupuncture has provided them with a safe and natural way to reduce the side effects of the medication, improved their sleep and produced a sense of calmness throughout their experience.

Our methods focus on gentle, personalised and protocol aligned Acupuncture techniques to optimise each stage of your IVF treatment. It’s most effective to begin your sessions in the months leading up to the embryo transfer day; naturally stimulating blood flow to the reproductive organs and preparing your body for implantation. Whichever point of the Assisted Fertility process you are at; do get in touch to discuss how carefully directed Acupuncture sessions can help increase your chances of conceiving.

Studies have shown an increase in successful embryo transfer to 42.5% in women who used Acupuncture before and after, compared with 23.6% in women who didn’t. (BMJ 2008; 336:545).

For more information and research on the use of Acupuncture for Fertility visit the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) .


Pregnancy Acupuncture

The advantages of Acupuncture are particularly noticeable during the initial weeks of pregnancy, as the new embryo settles in. Some of the benefits of using focused Acupuncture during pregnancy include;

  • lessening the likelihood of miscarriage
  • turning a breeched presentation
  • reducing vomiting and nausea
  • improving your digestion
  • inducing labour

Preparation for Birth
Acupuncture can help prepare you and your baby for a positive labour experience. From 36 weeks, leading up to your due date, soothing Acupuncture techniques, can help ripen your cervix, soften your pelvic muscles and guide baby into the birthing position.
Women who have used Acupuncture during pregnancy have reported shorter labours, reduced induction/caesarean intervention rates and less need for pain relief medication.

Post pregnancy
The first 6 weeks following baby’s arrival can feel like a whirlwind of tiredness, hormone ups and downs, physical healing and adjustment. Sleep and nourishment play an important role in aiding recovery and building strength. Acupuncture supports this by improving your circulation, stabilising your hormones (safeguarding against postnatal depression), boosting your immunity, preventing mastitis, encouraging your milk supply.



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